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Top Ten Marketers New Year Resolutions

January 11, 2011

To get more recognition for my work
To get a better grip on media, especially social
To engage with my customers more
To increase brand power and sales
To track & explain more
To over-deliver
To be less inclined to box and judge people
To raise my pay
To further my career
To loose 5 kilos
To get more sleep
To be nicer at home

(Yes, I know there’s twelve here, that’s the point – over deliver.)

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  1. Stephanie permalink
    January 12, 2011 11:43 am

    Will the next posting outline the project plan to achieving these, the specifics around each goal. I like them all, but how much nicer can I be at home, how do I measure this, will my husband be happy answering my benchmark survey, do I need to include cooking and sex in the satisfaction survey, what do I need to do to implement my niceness, is it just tone of voice, smiling more?

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